Amazon is not standing still

During the pandemic:Amazon announced (3/16/20) that it is seeking to hire 100,000 people in its warehousing and delivery sectors. By comparison, UPS has a total of about 444,000 employees and FedEx has about 425,000 employees. Amazon, which is the source of many of...

The Time for Change

When you relocate from one residence to another, you are far more likely to change the brand of toothpaste that you use than at other times. The same is true of your cable TV provider, your laundry detergent, and where you buy household supplies or furniture. I...

Reconsidering Best Practices

As Will Rogers said, “It’s not what we don’t know that gets us into trouble. It’s what we do know that just ain’t so.” This column discusses how “best practices” can get in the way of better practices. Read...

User Innovation

User innovation and innovation communities are both growing in importance for firms and coming to be better understood. This column introduces a special issue of RTM on user innovation, with an interview with the originator of the concept, Eric von Hippel. Read...